These links are the Chapters of the essay
Logical and Linguistic Problems of Social Communication with the Aymara
People by the Bolivian professor Iván Guzmán de Rojas (IGR). It has been
published and copyrighted by the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC), Otawa Canadá in 1984. We have the
respective permission from IDRC for electronic re-print of this document. Feel
free to copy it but if you want to re-publish or re-print it, you will need the
respective permission from IDRC.
This document is re-published in the hope that it will be useful, but not
necessarily the maintainer of this site agree with the ideas contained in the
Notice the alphabet used by (IGR) is different from the standard
alfabeto único. See the alphabet equivalence tables .
As an application of this work the professor Guzman has an online
translator ATAMIRI.
Logical and Linguistic Problems of Social Communication with
the Aymara People
Iván Guzmán de Rojas